"Uttam Kumar Award" winning Famous Bengali Music director, singer, lyricist & music producer Tamoghna shares motivational post in the social media, after the sad incident of Sushant Singh Rajput | check out the other celebrities post -Kumar Sanu, Palak Muchhal , Himanshi Khurana Tamoghna says Life is precious, you are living! It is a miracle, don't take any step which ruins your life. People will come & go in your life, those wanting to stay with you they will stay in every situation. Love yourself most. Be strong. You are unique.. Rip Sushant Singh Rajput . Rest in peace. Palak muchhal says My fingers are practically trembling as I type this.. "Its extremely difficult to believe that someone who had an incredibly positive insight on life, who was limitlessly optimistic, whose zeal for creativity and knowledge was boundless could end such a beautiful life! From being his neighbour to singing for his films.. I had wi...
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